All reviews are not created equal. Learn to make your reviews work for you: “62 percent of patients use online reviews as the first step to find a new doctor.” –Software Advice
15. If reviews on social sites and search platforms were a currency, it would be considered a precious metal. A positive review left by an actual patient is worth more than its weight in gold. The more reviews you can garnish, the better your brand looks to a new patient.
16. If you have a CRM platform that manages your online reviews, find the easiest way for your patients to leave reviews in or outside the office. Social review sites will most likely block your review if done through your IP address.
17. If you have great reviews, don’t be afraid to share them on social media.
18. Sites strictly prohibit asking for reviews, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have stickers asking for reviews all around the office.
19. If you have a negative review, first research who the patient is. There’s a lot of scammers out there who would seek to put your review page on ransom.
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